ધોરણ-8 [અંગ્રેજી] 2. You Love English, Dont's You? | std-8 [english] 2. You Love English, Dont's You?


✦ ACTIVITY - 1 ✦

(A) Sing this rhyme. Underline the name of objects and colours. Write them in the table.

Blue, blue, the sky is blue,
The water in the sea is too;
I like blue, don't you?....(2)

Green, green, the grass is green,
Leaves on the trees are green;
I like green, don't you?....(2)

Red, red, the sun is red,
When he is getting out of bed;
I like red, don't you?....(2)

Yellow, yellow, flowers are yellow,
Sunflowers standing in a row;
I like yellow, don't you?....(2)

Objects Colours
e.g. sky, water in the sea Blue

(B) Make similar type of rhyme by replacing the objects and the colours given in the rhyme. Use the clues given in the table.

Objects Colours
rose, lips of a baby, pink
milk, wings of swan, white
a cuckoo, sky in the night.black

Pink, Pink ....................................................
................................................................ don't you? ..... (2)
White, White ....................................................
................................................................ don't you? ..... (2)
Black, Black ....................................................
................................................................ don't you? ..... (2)

✦ ACTIVITY - 2 ✦

(A) Asha and Nisha are in the market. They are at the garment shop. Read the following dialogue between Asha and Nisha and study the underlined parts.

Shopkeeper: Good afternoon. Can I help you?
Asha : Yes, we heard that you keep very fancy Punjabi dresses, don't you?
Shopkeeper : Yes, we do.
Asha : Please, show us some Punjabi dresses in soft colours.
Nisha : Hey! We planned to pick up a sari, didn't we?
Asha : Yes, we did but let's try some dresses as well.
Nisha : Look, I don't have enough money and it was not our plan, was it?
Asha : No, it wasn't.
Shopkeeper : Is there any problem?
Asha : Yes, there is. Actually, we are a little short of money.
Shopkeeper: That should not be a problem. Look at the board, we offer a good discount.
Asha : Wow! It's great.
Shopkeeper : I hope you are happy now, aren't you?
Asha & Nisha: Yes, we are.
Nisha : Asha, look, this blue dress looks very beautiful on me.
Asha : But it is full of too much shining material on it, isn't it?
Nisha : Yes, it is but it suits me, doesn't it?
Asha : Yes, it does. Let's purchase it.

(B) Look at the picture. Complete the sentences. Here is an example for you.

1. At 9:45, Divya was washing her car, wasn't she? - Yes, she was.
2. At 1: 45, Divya was not going to office, ........ - ........
3. At 9:00, Divya was reading a newspaper, ........ - ........
4. At 12:50, Divya was not taking food, ........ - ........
5. At 10:30, Divya was listening to radio, ........ - ........
6. At 8:15, Divya was preparing breakfast, ........ - ........

✦ ACTIVITY - 3 ✦

(A) Study the table and complete it.

Area of Interest Vijay and VibhaPankaj You
Singing Yes No
Dancing No Yes
Swimming Yes No
Drawing pictures No No
Playing Chess Yes Yes

(B) Read the example and complete the sentences.

1. Vijay and Vibha like singing, don't they? - Yes, they do.
Pankaj does not like singing does he? - No, he doesn’t.
You like singing, don’t you? - ........
2. Vijay and Vibha .........., ......... - ........
Pankgj .........., ......... - ........
You .........., ......... - ........
3. Vijay and Vibha .........., ......... - ........
Pankgj .........., ......... - ........
You .........., ......... - ........
4. Vijay and Vibha .........., ......... - ........
Pankgj .........., ......... - ........
You .........., ......... - ........
5. Vijay and Vibha .........., ......... - ........
Pankgj .........., ......... - ........
You .........., ......... - ........

✦ ACTIVITY - 4 ✦

(A) Montu's mother asks him some questions. Montu replies them. Study them carefully and fill in the blanks. Here is an example for you.

Mother : In the morning, you went to school, didn't you?
Montu : Yes, I did.
Mother : You were with your friends, ..................?
Montu : Yes, I was.
Mother : There was a school bag in your hand, wasn't there?
Montu :
Mother : Then you came back to home in the noon, .................?
Montu : Yes, I did.
Mother : But there was no school bag in your hand, ..................?
Montu : No, there wasn't.

(B) Nowarrange these sentences in a proper sequence and complete the rest of the dialogue.

.......... : Yes, I did.
.......... : Oh! Montu, you are very careless, ................?
.......... : Yes, Iam.
.......... : It means you forgot it in the school, .................?

✦ ACTIVITY - 5 ✦

Read the given conversation. Study the underlined words/ group of words.

All Teachers : We hope that you are all right, Mr Bhatt.
Mr Bhatt : Thanks. I am O.K. now.
Teacher 1 : I think you should take lemon juice. You will feel better.
Teacher 2 : Ldon't think so. You must take some medicine.
Teacher 3 : Why don't you take rest for a while?
Mr Bhatt : Oh yes ! You are right. I need rest.
Teacher 4 : Listen, Mr Bhatt, you must get your blood pressure checked .
Mr Bhatt : That's a good point. I have an instrument for it at home.
Teacher 5 : Yes, that may be but Mr Bhatt, you should go to a doctor.
Mr Bhatt : Lthink that's a good idea. Let's not waste time. Take me to Dr Joshi.
All Teachers : We entirely agree with you Mr Bhatt. Let's go to the doctor.

✦ ACTIVITY - 6 ✦

✦ નીચે ધોરણ - 8 ના બધા વિષયોની link આપેલી છે. તેની મુલાકાત લેવી. ✦

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