ધોરણ-8 [અંગ્રેજી] 1. I will Be That | std-8 [english] 1. I will Be That


✦ ACTIVITY - 1 ✦

(A) Recite after your teacher.

I told them ---- (આઈ ટોલ્ડ ધેમ ----) મેં તેમને કહ્યું ----
When I grow up, ( વેન આઈ ગ્રો અપ,) જ્યારે હું મોટો થઈશ,
I'm not going to be a scientist (આઈ’મ નોટ ગોઈન્ગ ટૂ બી અ સાયન્ટિસ્ટ) હું વૈજ્ઞાનિક નહીં થાઉં
Or someone who reads the news on TV. (ઓર સમવન હૂ રીડઝ ધ ન્યૂઝ ઑન ટીવી.) અથવા કોઈ જે ટીવી પર સમાચાર વાંચે તે (નહીં થાઉં).
No. (નો.) ના.
I want to be free. (આઈ વોન્ટ ટું બી ફ્રી.) મારે મુક્ત થવું છે.
They said,
You can't. No, you can't be that.

I told them----
When I grow up,
I'm not going to be an airline pilot,
A dancer, a lawyer or a doctor.
Huge whales will swim in me.

They said,

You can't be that. No, you can't be that.

I told them----
I'm not going to be a DJ,
A computer programmer, a musician or a beautician.
Streams will flow through me,
I'll be the home of eagles;
T'll be full of valleys and fountains.

They said,
You can't be that. No, you can't be that.

I asked them---
Just what do you think I am?
Just a child, they said,
And children always become
At least one of the things
We want them to be.
-Brian Patten

(B) Choose and tick (✓) the correct option.

1. What does the child want to be in the first stanza?
(a) A Tree (b) The Ocean (c) A Scientist
2. What should swim in the child?
(a) fish (b) weeds (c) whales
3. ......... has valleys and fountains.
(a) A mountain (b) The ocean (c) A house
4. The child wants to be a .......... in the third stanza.
(a) a doctor (b) a beautician (c) a mountain range
5. What can the following people do? Discuss in groups.
(a) Amusician (b )ADJ (c) A scientist
6. Talk to your group and tell them what you want to become when you grow up.
7. Would you like to become one of the following things? Why ? Collect their ideas.
* The Moon * The Sun * The Star * The Sky *

✦ ACTIVITY - 2 ✦

Read and enjoy.

A Key To Heaven
(A Play)
Scene: 1
(King’s court) Tenali Raman, Courtier-1 and Courtier-2 are waiting for the king. There is a sound of trumpets and drums. The king walks in and all the courtiers stand up.

Tenali Raman and Courtiers : Good morning, Your Majesty.
The king : Good morning. Where are my ministers today? I will discuss the new road project with them.
Courtier 2 : Your Majesty, a great Sadhu is in our kingdom these days. The ministers are at that Sadhu’s camp.
The king : A Sadhu? A great Sadhu? Who is this Sadhu? I don’t know anything about him. Do you know something, Raman?
Raman : Your Majesty, I heard about this Sadhu. He comes from the Himalayas. He can produce coins, holy ash and fruits from the air.
Courtier 1: And there is a long queue of people in front of his tent everyday. They offer him gold coins, clothes, animals, grains, vegetables and dry fruits.
Courtier 2: He can cure any illness by Pooja. But you need to pay him a big sum for that. The King : Interesting. I want to know more about this Sadhu. But you can go now. I will discuss about this Sadhu with Raman only.
(The courtiers leave.)
The King : Raman, what do you think? Is he a real Sadhu? Good Sadhus never charge money for their service. We need to keep watch on this Sadhu.
Raman : Yes, Your Majesty, I too feel something is wrong.
The King : Raman, go to his camp and find out more about this Sadhu.
Raman : Certainly, sir.

Scene : 2
(The village. A Sadhu with a long beard and saffron kurta is sitting on a platform under a tree. His eyes are closed. Some people are waiting for him to open his eyes and bless them. Tenali Raman enters and stands among the people.)

Villager 1: Silence! Look there...! The great saint is opening his divine eyes.
(Everyone bows to the Sadhu.)
Villager2 : (Placing a big bag in front of the Sadhu) Your Holiness, please accept this sack of rice. Advise me, My Lord, how I can become rich.
(The Sadhu makes a sign to his assistant. The assistant takes away the sack.)
Sadhu : (To the villager) My dear child, I am pleased with your gift. Now don’t worry. I will definitely make you rich. We need to perform a pooja at your house.
Villager 2: Thank you, Your Holiness. I am so lucky. Please tell me what I need to do.
Sadhu : Dear child, now I need only two gold coins for the pooja.
Villager 2 : It’s alright. I will give you two gold coins.
Sadhu : Bachcha tera kalyan hoga...! लक्षाधिपति भव ।
(The villager takes out two gold coins and gives to the Sadhu. Raman is watching this carefully. The Sadhu puts the coins into his pocket and blesses the villager. Raman pushes the crowd aside and rushes to the Sadhu. He falls at his feet.)
Raman : Your Holiness, you are the greatest saint in the world. Please, bless me!
Sadhu : Get up my child. Tell me your problem.
Raman : My Lord, I have everything in my life. I have a big house, a lot of money and a happy family. But do something so that I can go to heaven after my death.
Sadhu : It’s very easy for me. Come nearer...
(Raman goes very near the Sadhu. Suddenly, he plucks out a hair from the Sadhu’s beard.) Sadhu : Aaaaaaaaah.. ...ouch!
(He holds the hair up proudly and addresses the crowd.)
Raman : Lam the luckiest man in the world. I have the magical hair. This hair will take us directly to heaven. He is a very very holy man. Every hair of his beard is a free ticket to heaven.
Villager 2: I also want to go to heaven rather than become rich in this world. Your Holiness, allow me to pluck a hair.
(The Sadhu protests a lot but the villager plucks a hair. He again makes a cry of pain.)
Villager 3: One for me too.
(People crowd around the Sadhu and scream loudly.)
Raman : My Lord, please do not say no to your followers. Give them a key to heaven.
(The Sadhu tries to escape. He falls down. People run after him. The fake Sadhu runs for his life. People chase him.)
Raman : So, that is the truth about this Sadhu. He only wanted your money and gifts. We can be rich by working hard. We need not give our earnings to Sadhus like this.
Villager 2: Oh, my two gold coins!
Raman : Don’t worry. The king’s men will arrest him. Everyone will get his money back.
(Raman goes back to the court.)

(A) Mark ✓ the correct option.

1. The sadhu had many followers.
2. The king wanted to meet the Sadhu.
3. Tenali Raman had no respect for the fake Sadhu.
4. The Sadhu was really a holy man.
5. The Sadhu had a magical beard.
6. Tenali Raman really wanted to go to heaven.
7. The Sadhu made the villager a rich man.
8. The king cared for his people.
9. Good Sadhus always accept money for their services.
10. The king trusted Tenali Raman.
11. Will you go to a sadhu to get good marks in the exam?

(B) Who is this sentence about ?

1. He lived in the camp. Sadhu
2. He took out coins from his pocket.
3. He rushed to the Sadhu.
4. He wanted to discuss the new road project.
5. He produced coins and fruits from the air.
6. He plucked the first hair from the Sadhu’s beard.
7. He came from the Himalayas.
8. He took away the sack.

(C) Answer the following questions:

1. Where did the king’s ministers go?
2. What did the people offer to the Sadhu?
3. What did the Sadhu do by pooja?
4. What was the Sadhu’s promise to the villager 2?
5. Who plucked the first hair from the Sadhu’s beard?
6. What should we do to become rich/get a job/ remain always healthy?

(D) Find the words from the lesson that mean the following. The first letter is printed in the bracket.

1. A country ruled by a King: (kingdom)
2. A way of addressing a religious leader: (Y____H_____)
3. People believe that good people go to this place after death:(h___)
4. Run after someone:(c__ )
5. The police does this to the thief:(a__ )
6. A way of addressing the king: (Y_____ M_______)
7. A person in the king’s court:(c____)

(E) Imagine you are Tenali Raman. Tell the king what happened.

I went to the camp of the Sadhu. I saw.....

(F) Read and enjoy.

1. Three gray geese in the green grass gazing.
Gray was the geese and green was the grass.
2. Swan swan over the sea,
Swim, Swim, swim.
Well swum, Swan.
3. Say this sharply.
Say this sweetly.
Say this shortly.
Say this sixteen times.

✦ ACTIVITY - 3 ✦

(A) Read the following passage:

John is an acrobat. He works in the Great Global Circus. He practises very hard for his shows. He can perform on a high swing. He can ride a mono cycle. He can walk ona rope ata great height.

But he can not ride a horse. He can not jump through a fire-ring. He can not play tricks like jokers.

Now, complete the sentences.

John can John cannot
Hecan He cannot
Hecan He cannot
Hecan He cannot

(B) Work in groups. List five different ways in which you can and cannot use a ruler. Think differently. You can write more answers and put them on the notice board.

You can You cannot
1 Wecan dig ahole with aruler 1 We cannot draw a circle witha ruler.
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5

✦ ACTIVITY - 4 ✦

Work in pair. What can your pet dog do for you? Complete the paragraph.

I have a pet dog. It is very cute. It has long and silky hair. Its name is Tom. It is like my family member. It can do many things for me. It can catch the ball when we play. It can carry my school bag...... ........ ...........

* Now compare your paragraph with your partner.

✦ ACTIVITY - 5 ✦

(A) Read the two dialogues given below:

1. Pinky : Iam hungry, mummy. Can you give me some biscuits?
Mummy : Here they are.
Pinky : Thank you, mummy.
2. Nayana : Ido not havea mobile. Can I use your mobile?
Meena : No, sorry!
Nayana : It’s okay.

(B) Work in pairs. Complete and enact these dialogues:

1. You : Idon’t have money. I want to buy a shirt.
Can you ...... ?
Your friend: Yes, .......
You : ........
2. Rashmi : My scooty has a problem today. I want to go to market.
Can I .......... ?
Komal : ........... .
Rashmi : But itis urgent.
3. Vedansh : I want to go to Baroda. I don’t know the time of the next train.
Can you ........ ?
Jay : No,
Vedansh : ........... .

✦ ACTIVITY - 6 ✦

(A) Read the dialogue carefully:

Janki : Uncle, Ido not feel well today.
Uncle : Oh! You should go to bed. I will call a doctor.
Janki : Uncle, canI watcha film on TV, please?
Uncle : No, you should not watch TV. You should take rest.
Now give your suggestions to Vikas for these situations:
e.g. Vikas is ill. He is going to school.
You should not go to school.
You should go to a doctor.
1. Vikas is cutting a tree. You are watching him.
"You ..... not ..... the tree.
You ...... save trees."
2. Vikas is crossing the signal. The red light is on.
"You ..... the red signal.
You ...... wait there."
3. Vikas is weak. He does not eat fruits.
" .....................
4. Vikas has two pencils. His friend has no pencil.
"You ...... a pencil to your friend."
5. Vikas is walking slowly. His school bell rang.
"You ...... slowly.
You ....... fast."

(B) Work in pairs. Match A with B and make meaningful sentences.

e.g. You watch TV fora long time. You should not watch so much.
It is late and you are very tired. Your hands are wet.
The station is very far from here. We should stop our car here.
The red traffic light is on. You should go to bed.
My friend can not solve the sums. Today is her exam.
We should clean the school ground. We should take an auto.
You should not touch the electric plug. It is a very rough road
We should not take this route. I should help him.
She should not reach school late. It is dirty.

(C) “Aisa bhi hota hai...!”
Work in groups. Arrange the sentences in a proper order.

The lion became angry. A staff member said to him, "You should not tease animals." He was in the section of the wild animals. They tried hard but they could not save his hand. Suddenly, the lion roared and grabbed his hand between its jaws. He was teasing the lion. The lion ate up his hand upto the shoulder. He went very near the cage. The man repented a lot. He was at the cage of the lion. They took the man to the hospital. Once a man was visiting the zoo. The zoo staff came there.

Some pupils from Virpur Primary School are on a visit to the zoo. They are mischievous. Advise them according to the given situations :

e.g. Pupils throw garbage on the road.
They should not throw garbage on the road.
1. Some pupils are making loud noise.
2. Apupilis teasing the animals.
3. Some boys are feeding the monkeys.
4. Some pupils are going near the cage.
5. Some pupils are jumping the queue.
6. Some girls are plucking flowers from the garden.

✦ ACTIVITY - 7 ✦

(A) Workin pairs. Your friend is asking you about your plan. You have some ideas but you are not sure. Choose the words from the list and write sentences with ‘I may...’ (Sunday, rice, t-shirt, by bus, go ona picnic)

e.g. A: Where are you going for your holidays?
B: Iam not sure. I may go to Simla. (go to Simla)
A: How will you go there, by bus or car?
B: I may go by car. (go by car)
1. What are you doing at the weekend?
............ (watch a movie)
2. Howare you going to school?
............ (on foot)
3. What are you taking in dinner tonight?
............. (rice and daal)
4. Whatare you buying from the garment shop?
.............. (jeans and t-shirt)
5. Whenare you going fora movie?
.............. (next Friday)

(B) Work in pairs. Study this dialogue and enact it with your friend:

Geeta : Whatare you doing in the evening?
Mona : Nothing special...!
Geeta : Okay. Can you come to my house in the evening? Because my parents booked the tickets for Mumbai. They might leave tonight. I might have good company.
Mona : Certainly, I willcome.
Now complete these dialogues: (1) Rahul : Theskyis very cloudy.
Mehul : It ...... today.(rain)
(2) Bunty : Myhomeworkis incomplete.
Monty : Theclass teacher ........ you tomorrow. (punish) (3) Ketan : Mynameis there inthe merit list.
Veena : You ......... (admission)
(4) Tejas : Indianeeds (runs) Amit : We might win the match.
(5) Papa : .......... (strike)
Rinal : We might not get the bus today.

✦ ACTIVITY - 8 ✦

Read the following sentences and make the changes according to the situations:

e.g. 1. Theexam will start at 11:00 a.m. Reach the school before 10:45 a.m.
You must reach the school before 10:45 a.m.
2. The Gujarat Express arrives at 7:00 p.m. It is 6:50 p.m.
You must walk fast to catch the train.
1. lost the key of my house. I don’t have another key.
2. Today is the last date for paying the electricity bill.
3. You are sick and it is raining. Don’t go outside.
4. You are weak at Maths. Tomorrow you have Maths exam. You are watching TV.
5. Youneed a lot of energy. Don’t eat junk food.
6. Sunil is climbing Mount Everest. He needs Oxygen cylinder.
7. There is a fire in the kitchen. Call firefighters immediately.
8. The officers will close the gate of the Gir Forest at 6:00 p.m. Walk fast.
9. Ranveer has chest pain. He needs to go to a doctor.
10. Robin drives acar without licence.

✦ ACTIVITY - 9 ✦

તમારા ગામ, શહેર કે વિસ્તારમાં પૂર આવવાથી ખૂબ જ નુકશાન થયું છે. સરકાર દ્વારા આર્થિક સહાય તથા અન્ય સગવડો પૂરી પાડવામાં આવશે. ગ્રૂપમાં કામ કરો અને તમારા ગામ, શહેર કે વિસ્તારનાં નવીનીકરણ માટેનું આયોજન લખો.

You may use words from this list :
library, hospital, theatre, school, panchayat-office, garden, lake, cinema-hall, temple, church, mosque, water-tank, dairy, roads, water supply system, street-lights, trees, post-office, bank, shops
You can use the sentences like these :
(1) There will be a library near the school.
(2) We can build a panchayat-office in the centre of the village.
(3) Wewilllike to have acinema-hall in our village.
(4) There will bea garden beside the lake.
(5) Wecan planttrees along the road.
(6) There must bea hospital in the village.

✦ નીચે ધોરણ - 8 ના બધા વિષયોની link આપેલી છે. તેની મુલાકાત લેવી. ✦

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