ધોરણ-7 [અંગ્રેજી] 1. Vini's Smile | std-7 [english] 1. Vini's Smile

ધોરણ-7 [અંગ્રેજી] 1. Vini's Smile [std 7 english chapter 1. Vini's Smile] એકમના અભ્યાસ માટેનું બધુ સાહિત્ય અહીં એકત્ર કરવામાં આવેલું છે. જેમ કે Activitiesની સમજૂતી, સ્વાધ્યાયના પ્રશ્નો-જવાબો, સ્વ-અધ્યયનપોથીના ઉકેલો, વિદ્યાર્થીઓ માટે પ્રશ્ન પેપર. દરેક એકમના Videos, Quiz તેમજ Notes તમને eclassguru.blogspot.com પર મળી જશે. [dhoran 7 eng path 1. Vini's Smile] એકમને લગતા તમારા પ્રશ્નો અમને નીચે comment માં જણાવજો. અમે જવાબ આપવા પ્રયત્ન કરીશું.

std 7 english chapter 1. Vini's Smile All Activities, std 7 english ekam 1. Vini's Smile ni samjuti, std 7 english ch 1. Vini's Smile swadhyay na javabo (solutions), std 7 english path 1. Vini's Smile swadhyay pothi na javabo (solutions), std 7 english unit 1. Vini's Smile ni ekam kasoti. aa badhu sahitya ahin ekatrit karvama aavelu chhe.

std 7 english chapter 1. Vini's Smile

✦ ACTIVITY - 1 ✦

● Let's recite with the teacher :
The Little One
This is the bag the little one bought,
This is the butterfly the little one caught.

This is the kite the little one flew,
This is the whistle the little one blew.

This is the bell the little one rang,
This is the song the little one sang.

white and black and green and red,
These are the words the little ones read.

These are the picture the little ones drew,
All these things the little ones knew.

● Make a list of rhyming words :(સરખા અવાજ વાળા શબ્દો શોધીને લખો)
Example: 1. taught, bought
2. flew, blew
3. rang, sang
4. red, read
5. drew, knew
6. bought, caught

● Complete the table :

std 7 english chapter 1. Vini's Smile

✦ ACTIVITY - 2 ✦

● નીચે આપેલા શબ્દો મોટેથી બોલો અને લખો.

● વિભાગ B માંથી યોગ્ય શબ્દો પસંદ કરીને ખાલી જગ્યા પૂરો.
1. My mother Bought sugar from the market.
2. We flew kites last Uttarayan.
3. My younger brother drew a beautiful picture in the school competition.
4. Traffic police blew the whistle and stopped the car.
5. I read the Ramayana today morning.
6. My grandfather knew four languages.
7. Cheteswar caught the ball and threw at the stumps.
8. Today Sejal sang a nice bhajan in the prayer assembly.

std 7 english chapter 1. Vini's Smile

✦ ACTIVITY - 3 ✦

Read these words.
hut/button/#D6A2E8 caught/button/#D6A2E8 husband/button/#D6A2E8 dropped/button/#D6A2E8
angry/button/#D6A2E8 silver/button/#D6A2E8 enjoyed/button/#D6A2E8 yesterday/button/#D6A2E8

હવે, તમારા શિક્ષક ‘Methi Pakoda'વાર્તા કહેશે. તે સાંભળો તે વાર્તામાં ઉપર લખેલા જે શબ્દ તમે સાંભળો તે શબ્દ પર X ની નિશાની કરો. (શિક્ષક મિત્રો, ‘Methi Pakoda' વાર્તા 'Revision'માં આપેલ છે.)

std 7 english chapter 1. Vini's Smile

✦ ACTIVITY - 4 ✦

● સોહનને તેના જીવનમાં બનતી ઘટનાઓના ચિત્રો દોરવાનો શોખ છે. તેણે દોરેલાં ચિત્રો અને તેણે તેના મિત્ર મોહનને કહેલાં વાક્યો તેની ડાયરીના પાનામાંથી વાંચો.

std 7 english chapter 1. Vini's Smile

✦ ACTIVITY - 5 ✦

● તમારા શિક્ષક વાર્તા કહે તે ધ્યાનથી સાંભળો, અને તેનું મૂક વાંચન કરો.
Smile in the Mirror (Part - 1)

It was 11th April, 2011. It was Tejasvini's 12th birthday. Her farther gifted her a beautiful bicycle. It was a unique bike. Blue in colour, a soft seat, a little bell and a rear view mirror.

When Tejasvini saw her bicycle, she said, "Wow !" She felt proud ! She placed her foot on left pedal and yelled, "Here I go ....Wooo...hooo." She moved faster and faster. She went to the river bank. She enjoyed riding the bicycle on this rough path.

She was riding at her top speed. Then she noticed a red button near the bell. What was that? She pushed the button.

Lo and behold!

There came out a big fan on the rear wheel. The fan started rotating. "vroom...vroom..." It thrilled Tajesvini she pedaled the bicycle with full strength. And what a miracle ! The bike's front wheel rose from the ground... and then the rear one. The bike was flying now. She pedaled faster and the bicycle went up and up... three... four... five... fifty meters!!

She was thrilled. Now she was flying.... over the river!! She looked down, "Oh ! Is that a kite in the river?" It was a boat. She turned the handle towards her village. She saw her school, "Oh! No! There are so many leaves of trees on the roof! I will clean them tomorrow!" she thought. What else could she see from there?

● Discuss in pairs and write your points below :
(તેજસ્વિનીને બીજું શું શું દેખાયું હશે? બે-બેની જોડીમાં ચર્ચા કરો. અને મુદ્દા નોંધો.)
Tejasvini could see village garden near the temple. Some boys were playing in there. She could also see village market, vegetable seller and people buying things. She could see her cattles in her house's backyard.

Smile in the Mirror (part - 2)

Now she was over the farms and fields. Green fields... She was enjoying the beautiful view... And...Then she noticed a flock of birds on her way... She applied the brakes.. The fan stopped and the bike started coming down... Tejasvini closed her eyes and held the handle tightly! But within seconds... Dhadam. She cried out, "Ooo... Maaaa...!"

She opened her eyes, "Oh my God! It was a dream." She got up, washed her face and looked into the mirror, "Hammm! It was a dream this time but it will not be a dream forever!" She promised herself, "I will make a bike like this and fly over my village."

She smiled at herself in the mirror.

std 7 english chapter 1. Vini's Smile

✦ ACTIVITY - 6 ✦

● Fill in the blanks with words given in the bracket.
( કૌંસમાં આપેલા શબ્દોની મદદથી ખાલી જગ્યા પૂરો.)

[flock of birds, flying, came down, red button, dream]
1. Tejasvini's bicycle had a red button.
2. Tejasvini's bicycle was flying in the sky.
3. Tejasvini applied the brakes to save a flock of birds.
4. The flying bicycle was only a dream.
5. Tejasvini cried out because she came down from sky to land.
6. Tajesavini was 12 years old.
(A) 11 (B) 12 (C) 2011 (D) 10
7. The rough path was on the river bank.
(A) in the village. (B) on the river bank. (C) inthe sky. (D) in the river.
8. Tejasvini's dream is to make real flying bicycle.
(A) to make magic car. (B) to make a real flying bicycle. (C) to make a new boat. (D) to make a new fan.

std 7 english chapter 1. Vini's Smile

✦ ACTIVITY - 7 ✦

Answer the following questions.
(બે-બેની જોડીમાં ચર્ચા કરીને પ્રશ્નોના જવાબ લખો.)

1. Who gifted a bicycle to Tejasvini ?
→ Tejasvini's father gifted a bicycle to her. 2. What did Tejasvini see on the roof of her school ?
→ Tejasvini saw many leaves of trees on the roof of her school.
3. Describe Tejasvini's bicycle in two sentences.
→ Tejasvini's bicycle is blue in colour. It has a soft seat a little bell
4. Write two sentences about your dream.

→ Oneday I dream that i had magical mat. i could fly and go where ever. I want to go sitting on it. It would save my time and money.

std 7 english chapter 1. Vini's Smile

✦ ACTIVITY - 8 ✦

● તમારા શિક્ષક રમાડે તે રીતે 'Guessing Game' રમત રમો.
(શિક્ષક મિત્રો, એક વિદ્યાર્થીને બીજો એક વિદ્યાર્થી વર્ગખંડની બહાર લઈ જઈ કોઈ ક્રિયા કરવાનું કહેશે. તે ક્રિયા કરશે. પછી વર્ગની અંદરના વિદ્યાર્થીઓ તેણે શું કર્યું તે ધારશે. તેની ક્રિયા જોનાર ધારણા સાચી છે કે ખોટી તે જણાવશે.)
● આ પ્રકારના સંવાદ થશે -

વર્ગની અંદરના વિદ્યાર્થી : Did he dance?
તેને જોનાર : No, he didn't.
વિદ્યાર્થી : Did he jump?
તેને જોનાર : Yes, he did.
જેની ધારણા સાચી પડે તે વિદ્યાર્થીને અભિનય કરવાનો અથવા તમારા બદલે જવાબ આપવાનો મોકો આપો.

std 7 english chapter 1. Vini's Smile

✦ ACTIVITY - 9 ✦

● નીચે ડૉ. સ્મીતા અને મનોજભાઈ સરપંચની એક દિવસના કાર્યોની માહિતી આપી છે. તે વાંચો.
Date : 26-1-2012, Thursday
Dr. SmitaManojbhai (Sarpanch)
hoisted flag at high schoolhoisted flag at the primary school
delivered a lecturedistributed sweets
operated upon the patientinaugurated a dairy
spent an hour with differently abled childrentalked with the head teacher about the school progress

● Now, read the following sentences carefully and fill in the blanks.
(હવે નીચેનાં વાક્યો ધ્યાનપૂર્વક વાંચો અને ખાલી જગ્યા પૂરો.)

1. Dr, Smita hoisted the flag at the high school. did
● Did Dr. Smita hoist the flag at the high school ?
→ Yes, She did.
2. Manojbhai distributed sweets.
Did Dr. Smita distribute sweets ?
→ No, She didn't.
3. Dr. Smita operated upon the patient.
Did she operate upon the patient ?
yes, she did.
4, Dr. Smita spent an hour with the differently abled children.
did Manojbhai spend an hour with the differently abled children?
No, he didn't.
5. Manojbhai inaugurated a dairy in the village.
Did Manojbhai inaugutare a shop in the village ?
No, he didn't.
6. Manojbhai talked with the head teacher about the school progress.
Did Manojbhai talk with the head teacher about the school progress ?
→ Yes, he did.
7. Dr. Smita delivered a lecture.
Did Dr. Smita listen to a lecture ?
→ Yes, she did.

std 7 english chapter 1. Vini's Smile

✦ ACTIVITY - 10 ✦

● અહીં મનીષની બે નોંધો ભેગી થઈ ગયેલ છે. જેમાં તેણે ગઈકાલે કરેલા અને આવતીકાલે કરવાના કાર્યની નોંધ છે. તો બંને નોંધ અલગ પાડો અને લખો.

On Sunday, I will wake up at 8.00 am. I will prepare my breakfast. I woke up at 6.00 am. I will meet my best friend, Sohail at 10.00 am. I left my house at 9.00 am. I went to the post office. I posted the envelope. I returned home. We will play chess. I will take lunch at Sohail's home. I took my breakfast and changed dress. I reached school by bus. I came back home at 5.30 pm. We will go for a movie. I will return home at 7.00 pm. Then I watched TV and played video games with my friends. In the evening I took dinner with my family. After dinner, I will read for some time. I went to bed at 10.00 am.

I woke up at 6.00 am
On sunday I will wake up at 8.00 am

std 7 english chapter 1. Vini's Smile

✦ ACTIVITY - 11 ✦

● Read the following text.
Asma lives in Gandhinagar. One day her cousin Rizwan came there. She went to the bus station to receive him. They returned home. Asma opened the door and--
Asma : Rizwan, Avo... Avo... welcome. Oh ? What do I see !
Rizwan : What is this? Is this your house, Asma?
Asma : Yes, unfortunately, it is my house.
Rizwan : But you can't arrange things like this. Only a monkey can do it.
Asma : Oh my God! The back door was not closed. I forgot to close it.
Rizwan : O dear, look there on the tree. The lucky monkey is eating your potato chips.
Asma : Those chips were for you. So the monkey is luckier than you.
Rizwan : Ok. Let's rearrange the room in a civilized way.
Asma : Let's do it. Hoop....hoop...
Before the monkey's entry

Let's read : What did the monkey do?

The monkey entered the room. It scattered all the things. The table fan is on the cot. It was on the table near the cot. The monkey broke the study lamp and tore the book. The monkey took out shoes from the shoe-stand and threw them out. The monkey threw the statue on the floor. It was in the corner. The cupboard was closed. Now it is open. The monkey put the flower vase on the sofa. It was on the stool. All the chairs were upside down.

Now, complete the following picture.
After the monkey's visit

std 7 english chapter 1. Vini's Smile

✦ ACTIVITY - 12 ✦

● તમે પણ Flying bicycle જેવું સાધન બનાવવા ઇચ્છતા હશો ને? તેનું ચિત્ર અહીં દોરો. તેના ભાગોના નામ અંગ્રેજીમાં લખો. તેમાં તમે કયો વૈજ્ઞાનિક નિયમ અપનાવ્યો તે પણ નોંધો.

✦ નીચે ધોરણ - 7 ના બધા વિષયોની link આપેલી છે. તેની મુલાકાત લેવી. ✦

ગુજરાતી/button/#B33771 હિન્દી/button/#5758BB સંસ્કૃત/button/#EAB543 અંગ્રેજી/button/#D6A2E8 ગણિત/button/#1B9CFC વિજ્ઞાન/button/#F97F51 સામાજિક વિજ્ઞાન/button/#55E6C1

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